What Does a Disciple of Jesus Look Like? (Part 2)
We continue to build on part one of this series and learn more about what a disciple of Jesus looks like. Our passage this week comes from John 1:43-51 which teaches us two more characteristics of being a disciple.
A disciple of Jesus undergoes transformation (v. 43)
The next day Jesus decided to leave for Galilee. Finding Philip, he said to him, “Follow me.” (John 1:43)
In verse 43, Jesus says to Phillip ‘follow me’. If we examine the translation in Greek, the words ‘follow me’ is a continuous action that Jesus is expecting from Phillip. He expects that Phillip will initially follow him and continue following Him. This was an important decision for Phillip as this meant leaving behind his secure occupation as a fisherman in order to follow Jesus. He also had to leave behind his family and friends, and sense of comfort and security in this old life.
One key thing we can learn about Phillip in this passage is his obedience to sanctification, or in other words, his desire to become holier and holier day by day. We as disciples of Jesus need to leave behind our sins and stop living the way we used to live before we were disciples of Jesus. Becoming disciples of Jesus is not a one-off decision but a lifelong commitment to become holier day by day through loving obedience.
A disciple of Jesus personally experiences Him (v. 44-51)
“How do you know me?” Nathanael asked. Jesus answered, “I saw you while you were still under the fig tree before Philip called you.” Then Nathanael declared, “Rabbi, you are the Son of God; you are the king of Israel.” (John 1:48-49)
We are introduced to another disciple in the passage called Nathaniel. In verse 45, Phillip tells his friend, Nathaniel, that he has found Jesus of Nazareth - the son of Joseph, but Nathaniel remains skeptical (v. 46). However, not soon after in verse 49, Nathaniel declares that Jesus is the Son of God and King of Israel.
As we examine the passage, we can learn that it wasn’t anything that Phillip said, nor was it any facts, logic or knowledge of Jesus as Messiah that caused Nathaniel to believe. Instead, it was Jesus knowing Nathaniel and Nathaniel having this personal experience with Jesus which caused him to believe.
We, too, can personally experience Jesus in many ways, such as through reading the Bible, and by listening to testimonies and sermons. We may even experience Him through visions and dreams!
To conclude this series; when Jesus’ disciples start to live in obedience to Him, we not only personally experience Jesus. We represent Him. We have the power to show the love of God which allows others to experience Him as well. Let us live in a way so that we can be that blessing for others!
Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for giving us the greatest gift of life, that is your son Jesus Christ. We pray that we would be transformed by the love that you have shown us and commit to becoming holier day by day through obedience to you. Let us experience you in our everyday life as we live in a way that allows others to experience you too.
In Jesus’ name we pray,