Who Are We?

At New Life Indonesian Community Church (NLICC), we believe that no matter who you are or where you come from, God is calling you to a life committed to Him. At our church, we strive to grow and be fruitful as a united body of Christ; our church vision after all is ‘To grow and be fruitful’. Our mission is to become a continuously growing church, through small groups; caring for each other; praying for one another; restoration; and missionary works. We would love to welcome you to our family, so please feel free to join us this Sunday at one of our four services!


Our History

In 2004, we began our journey as an Indonesian community church, looking to grow the local church. For fourteen years, we have worked to build our church, dedicated to growing spiritually and with one another. By the grace of God, we could build three Indonesian congregations based in three different Sydney regions: East, Inner West and West.

At the end of 2016, after much prayer and petition, the Lord allowed us to reach outside of the Indonesian community with our weekly English speaking service.


Our Vision

To grow and be fruitful.

Whether it’s in our ministry lives, work lives, school lives, friendship groups and within our family; our aim is to grow in Spirit and bear fruit of Spirit and souls. At NLICC, we encourage and support growth with God and with one another, building familial relationships in our community. To be fruitful, we encourage our congregation to speak their faith in action by displaying the Fruit of Spirit in their daily lives. Our vision is implemented through our ten principles. To read our Statement of Faith, click here.


1. We believe that God is our priority above all things.

2. We believe that the Bible is the Word of God.

3. We serve with the leadership and power that comes from the Holy Spirit.

4. We present our best selves for God.

5. We believe the structure of the church is the Lord’s theocracy.

6. We want to build the local church without limits.

7. We want to maintain balance in our spiritual lives.

8. We want to build familial relationships within the church.

9. We want to serve with divine character and with a blazing spirit.

10. We believe every congregation member is a servant of Christ.